
Team Dignitas drops its Overwatch roster as well


Team Dignitas has announced that they are dropping their Overwatch team, offering little to no explanation as to why the decision was made.

"Team Dignitas recently made the decision to part ways with its previous Overwatch team. The Overwatch team comprised of Marcel 'Veinless' Lehmann, Elvinas 'Evokje' Padegimas, Patrick 'Wat7' Marwal, Jose Antonio 'BromaS' Ramos Gonzales, Joshua, 'ToxikeN' Campos and Jiri 'LiNkz' Masalin joined Team Dignitas in August 2016. We thank the players for their time and efforts with Team Dignitas; they are now free agents and we are confident they will be successful in future endeavors," Dignitas writes.

The announcement added, however, that they are "still committed to the game of Overwatch and remains optimistic about the long-term opportunity it presents for teams, players, spectators and fans," which makes the dropping of the roster a little bit confusing.

The fact they're dropping their team isn't a huge surprise, as Splyce, compLexity Gaming, and TSM have all done the same in recent weeks, with some speculating this this could be to do with rumours of the Overwatch League being expensive for teams (something which Blizzard has played down).

Where should the players head to next?


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